Another Mei Tai ... a girl can never have enough baby carriers. Ive never really sewn with anything silky before but it turned out well *phew* . The stylish maxamus was only too happy to get in and let me test it out. Don't think i can carry him about much longer he weights too much. Weeley big boy so he says. Hmm what to sew next???
Saturday, January 12, 2008
After two scans (second one cause stumpy was happy sleeping and didn't want to move) it looks like our stumpy is a .....*drum roll * GIRL .. omg what do i do with a girl? Seeing how girls stuff at the shops is alllll so boring ive set about making some special one off pieces . Number one... a dress awww so so cute! and number two another new nappy (a girl can never have too many nappies).